As if time has slowed down, the water falls of this humpback whales flukes, (tail) as it dives to the depths to feed in this outer worldly Antarctic scene.
Prize Sizes: Sizing Guide Page
SMALL: 12" x 8" (+0.2" border)
Only 100 Limited Editions. All include a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
MEDIUM: 24" x 16" (+0.3" border)
Only 100 Limited Editions. All include a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
LARGE: 36" x 24" (+0.5" border)
Only 25 Limited Editions. All include a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
EXTRA LARGE: 60" x 40" (no border) *Best Value Size to Price Ratio
Only 15 Limited Editions. All include a certificate with hologram, signature and edition series.
Photographer: Mark Williams
Printed on: Giclée Hahnemühle Photo Rag